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Order List (Product Code and Quantity Order List (Product Code and Quantity)
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Do you confirm your order? **Once order is submitted, there is no changing or cancellation. Only add on is allowed. Yes
I have fully understood and agreed to the Terms & Conditions: Agreed

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


(1) FULL PAYMENT has to be made within 3 days from the date of INVOICE. Please contact us in advance in case of any delay in payment. Otherwise, we will cancel the order without any prior notice.

(2) We only send out the item after payment has been received.
(3) All photographs of the items are taken at close proximity and there might be slightly different colour.
(4) All goods sold are not exchangeable/returnabl/refundable.
(5) We are not liable for any damage or loss of items during delivery.
(6) Our product price is not included in the shipping fee and we will total it for you in your INVOICE.
(7) We assume buyers and bidders have read, understand and agreed to all our terms & conditions before placing an order.
(8) We reserve the right to change these terms & conditions without any prior notice.

We hope that you will have a good experience buying at Ainma!